United Lutheran Church exists to joyfully welcome all people to make the good news of Jesus Christ visible.
We gather around story and meal on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m.
Throughout the week we gather as community to share lives, stories, prayers, and the activity of the Spirit at First Tuesday Table Talk at THE INCLUSIVE BEAN and at Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Evening Prayer. We serve and welcome neighbors through a myrid of ministries. We are passionate about the care and use of God’s creation.
You are welcome to be curious about what it means to be Christian, Lutheran, or join us so we can serve the neighborhood together.
At the core, Lutheran theology is a theology of love. The love of God who gives the free gift of grace to all people and the responsive love and joy of all people to a dynamic, creative God who continues to create possibilities of beloved community. Out of this love and joy, Lutherans respond in service to the neighbor through ministries, programs, friendships and advocacy.
United Lutheran Church began in June of 2017 as a uniting of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, and Zion Lutheran Church. Intentional about forming a new community and listening to the Spirit’s leadings, United Lutheran Church gathers in the cooperative space of the Ministries at North Pointe building. Each of these legacy congregations made the good news visible in the Racine community for generations.
Weddings, Baptism, & Holy Communion are open to all God’s children no matter what your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity may be; all are welcome I this place. To plan a wedding or baptism email us at ministry@unitedlutheran.co.
Pastor John Bischoff is a 2006 graduate of Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. Having previously served congregations in the Greater Milwaukee area, Pastor John is excited about where and how God is calling United to serve the North Pointe Neighborhood.
Bonnie Robinson is delighted to be the Director of Lay Ministry & Administration at United Lutheran Church.
Three Lutheran churches work to form new, combined congregation Lee B Roberts April 9, 2017
United Lutheran Church is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.