Racine Senior Center . . .
is one of Racine’s longest running weekly senior ministries. For over 50 years seniors have gathered together on Thursdays to visit, enjoy cards, games, and programs that include safety suggestions, blood pressure screening and more.
Lunch is served for a suggested donation of $5 and $3 for left overs • Call Carol Gallagher, Senior Center Director for more information.
Food Justice
United Lutheran works with six other churches to run the Northside Food Pantry for the 53402 Zip code area.
In addition, several times a year United Lutheran makes and serves meals at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church (1100 Erie Street, Racine, WI) and at Living Faith Lutheran Church (2915 Wright Avenue, Racine, WI).
United also supports the Mt. Meru Coffee Project to help support small family coffee growers in Tanzania who grow Fair Trade Coffee. This helps them support their families, send their children to school, access health care, sustain and improve their farms and support their local cooperatives, villages and churches.
Green Congregation
We are a Green Congregation because we take God's invitation to care for creation seriously. We invested in solar panels, created recycling programs, and constantly strive to reduce our consumption of materials in our daily lives and ministry. Each year in September we celebrate a Season of Creation where we focus on looking at God's creation and end with our annual Pet Blessing service.
Outreach for Hope 2024 RIDE RUN WALK
For several years United members have participated in and donated to the Outreach for Hope Family Ride Run Walk
and this year we again had a team participating.
We’re happy to share that in 2024 Outreach for Hope received a total $150,422 for the year’s annual Family Ride Run Walk fundraiser!
These funds supported grants to our 2024 Ministry Partners serving neighborhoods experiencing material poverty in
the Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA.
A huge THANK YOU to our donors, participants, volunteers, fundraising teams and sponsors for this overflowing stream of generosity.
Tuesday Table Talk
Meets on the First Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. This is a time for fellowship and to talk about anything you want. Everything is on the table at these talks. Check the title slide for location.
The Racine Collective Book Club
Beginning September 18, the Racine Collective is gathering again to read and discuss One Coin Found by Emmy Kegler. Contact Pastor Allison Johnson or Pastor John Bischoff if you plan to attend.
Bible Studies & Evening Prayer
Bible Studies will start on Wednesday, September 18 at 6:00 p.m. followed by Evening Prayer at 7:00 p.m.
Please contact Pastor Bischoff at to request Zoom access information.
Woman’s Book Group
Meets Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Join the group for a lively discussion.
United Quilters for LWR
This year our quilters made 12 Mission Quilts for Lutheran World Relief.
In December, 2023 quilts were donated by the LWR Quilters to
the family moving into the Habitat home at 1716 Geneva Street.
Prayer Shawl and Neonatal Hat Ministry
Knitters in the congregation make shawls for those who need to be wrapped and covered in in love, and to knit tiny hats to be given to babies in the neonatal unit in local hospitals.
United Lutheran hosts the following community gatherings at Ministries at North Pointe.
If you would like to use the space, please contact at least 4 weeks in advance.
Beginning. September 12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 - 11;00 a.m.
AAUW Bridge Drop in Center
Every Wednesday from 1-3:00 p.m. Avid bridge players or novice are welcome.
Open to the public. You do not have to be a member of AAUW (American Association of University Women)
to attend.
Community Book Club
Meets Fourth Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. in Conference Room.
Contact Mary Cotter 262-865-8267 with any questions.
Worship Services
In addition to our Sunday morning 11:00 a.m. service, worship services...
- Pastor John leads a service at Parkview Gardens and at
Shorelight Memory Care